
Silver Bells – a simple arrangement for 6 bells

Need a simple musical arrangement for Christmas? Here’s a simple arrangement for Silver Bells – all you need are 6 bells! Great to use for your music therapy groups, community music groups, Christmas performance at your school or preschool.

Awesome Achievements series – Alex playing Three Little Birds on the piano

Watch Alex as he learns to play the chords to Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds on the piano! Alex is a young boy with autism who has an innate talent for music. Recently he has been learning how to play chords on the piano. Here’s a little snippet of him playing Three Little Birds.

Awesome Achievements Series – “Learning to Engage”

Meet Daniel! Daniel is a 3 year old boy with autism. He is learning the skills needed to engage and communicate with others. Here’s his journey so far.

Awesome Achievements Series – “Regulating my impulses!”

Meet Dre! Dre is a young boy with autism who loves being immersed in music but he finds it difficult to control his impulses. His music therapist Pete is helping Dre to control his impulses while still nurturing his love for musical freedom.

5 Musical Tips to Encourage Early Language Development

Pic for 5 Musical Tips for Early Language Development

Hi everyone! I’m Iani Sujono, your Registered Music Therapist from Sound Expression in Sydney Australia. Here are my 5 tips on how you can use music to encourage your young child’s vocal exploration and language development.

Tip 1. Using music to connect
Even if your child isn’t yet able to use words, it’s ok – just have fun using your voices together, use lots of facial expressions as you connect.
The purpose of this exercise: Rewarding engagement. Release frustrations and see the joy as the musical conversation makes your child feel more at ease about using their voice to connect with you.

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Today is World Music Therapy Day – a perfect time for us to share this clip on what can be achieved through music therapy!

A scaffolding technique to help children with additional needs – the subtleties matter!

A scaffolding technique to help children with additional needs learn about waiting, turn-taking and self-control using a drum – the subtleties matter! Scaffolding refers to a variety of techniques used to move a child progressively toward stronger understanding and, ultimately, greater independence in a learning process. Scaffolding can include breaking a large task into smaller […]