
Discovering my voice – a peek through Sam’s music therapy journey

Sam attends music therapy at Sound Expression to work on his communication skills, emotional regulation and self-expression. In this video, you will witness Sam gradually coming out of his shell and exploring his voice. 

Silver Bells – a simple arrangement for 6 bells

Need a simple musical arrangement for Christmas? Here’s a simple arrangement for Silver Bells – all you need are 6 bells! Great to use for your music therapy groups, community music groups, Christmas performance at your school or preschool.



A partnership between Northcott and Sound Expression

Sponsored by Ryde Club Grants

Music is a great way to address difficulties with social interaction and communication while having fun. Northcott has partnered with Sound Expression to introduce how to use music with children. These sessions will give parents strategies to use music to enhance pre-verbal and verbal communication and social skills for their children.

Thursday 29th September 2016
North Ryde Community Preschool 13 Clermont Ave, Ryde

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