Outstanding Specialised Business Finalist for Local Business Awards

Awesome news! We have been nominated as a Finalist for “Outstanding Specialised Business” for the Northern District Local Business Awards.

Five Little Ducks – a fun way to develop multiple skills!

Books & bells are an awesome way to address various areas of need. 1. Serve as a visual anchor for clients who move around a lot 2. Address inhibitory control and ability to initiate 3. Work on sustained and alternating attention 4. Encourage vocalisation/verbalisation/singing

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook

As well as following us on Facebook, you can now also follow us on Instagram for updates within our community, musical tips and resources and all things music therapy!  @soundexpressionaus

Sound Expression Clinic has expanded!

Three years ago we opened our clinic at North Ryde with three music therapy rooms. The rooms filled quite quickly with children and adults accessing music therapy and music lessons. We are very excited to announce that we are now onto the next stage of our journey: we have taken over the premises next door […]

“BALANCING BEAM” – Awesome Achievement by Sacha (original composition)

Some outstanding songwriting from Sacha, one of our young clients! Assisted by our music therapist Pete McDonald, the song was created over several weeks. Discussions were had around an activity in Sacha’s week that he enjoys, the things that happen at it and how it makes him feel. With some improvised guitar accompaniment, Sacha sang […]

“Connecting Abilities Through Music” Project Highlights

We are delighted to present video highlights of our “Connecting Abilities Through Music” project! It was a huge success with several of our children making the journey from picking songs, rehearsing with other musicians and then performing them beautifully for their family and friends. We have managed to edit the video down to a few […]

Em’s Awesome Achievements!

Meet Em! Em who has Cerebral Palsy and Cortical Vision Impairment engages in music therapy to support her development. Thanks to an incredibly generous anonymous donor, Em is able to access music therapy with her music therapist Iani Sujono. Watch as she focuses on integrating all her sensory systems with such determination!

Merry Christmas 2017 and Happy New Year 2018


Our “Connecting Abilities Through Music” concert was a huge success! Fantastic performances from the children, supported by an audience of family and friends. There were so many highlights! Thank you to our families, musicians, volunteers and of course the children who performed.