Can Music Therapy be funded through the NDIS?

Absolutely! Music Therapy can be funded through the NDIS if:

  1. It can assist with your NDIS goals
  2. It is conducted by a Registered Music Therapist (Registered with the Australian Music Therapy Association)
  3. It is considered reasonable and necessary
  4. You have NDIS funding allocated in Capacity Building – Improved Daily Living Skills

Sound Expression is a Registered NDIS Provider (NDIS PROVIDER NO: 4050007513). Our registration groups are:

  • “Therapeutic Supports” – music therapy for clients aged 7 years and above
  • “Early Intervention Supports For Early Intervention” – music therapy for clients aged 0 – 6 years
  • “Innovative Community Participation” – supported music lessons

Music Therapy is part of the NDIS support category “Capacity Building – Improved Daily Living Skills”

Music Therapy and the NDIS

Music Therapy is fully recognised by the NDIS as a professional Allied Health therapy, under the Therapeutic Supports and Early Intervention Supports registration groups. It can definitely be utilised to access funds by participants, provided it meets the 4 criteria above.

Music therapists work closely towards achieving the NDIS goals of the client – we align our music therapy goals with a client’s NDIS goals, so that music therapy sessions are targeted towards those same goals. Interventions and Reports are evidence-based and relate directly to the client’s NDIS goals, and communication is open within any multi-disciplinary teams who work with the client (if the client has one).

Music Therapy is an approved NDIS funded support. The Australian Music Therapy Association (the registration body for music therapists) has produced a comprehensive information booklet detailing how music therapy can assist specific target need areas for people with disability. It also includes evidence-based references for each target need area. The booklet also includes some information about music therapy and the NDIS:

Australian Music Therapy Association – Music Therapy in Disability Information Booklet

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission has produced the NDIS Practice Standards Verification Module in September 2021. This Module provides clear evidence that music therapy is an approved therapeutic intervention. This can be found here: NDIS Practice Standards – Verification-Module September 2021

Alternatively, please see the screenshot below of the NDIS Practice Standards Verification Module page 17 – listing Music Therapy as a profession authorised by the NDIS. The NDIS requires that the Music Therapy must be conducted by a REGISTERED MUSIC THERAPIST registered with the Australian Music Therapy Association.

NDIS Practice Standards Verification Music Therapy

Letter from General Manager of NDIS Access and Planning

Occasionally, even after presenting the compelling evidence above, there are some individuals who still claim that Music Therapy is not funded under the NDIS.

We have recently received written confirmation (via a Federal Member of Parliament) from Senior NDIS Management confirming unequivocally that Music Therapy is, in fact, funded under the NDIS.

Please see below links to view a letter from Pat Conroy, Federal MP, as well as William Garton, General Manager of Access and Planning NDIS, confirming the inclusion of Music Therapy as a funded support.

Pat Conroy MP Letter William Garton NDIS Letter